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Come and experience a connection that will heighten your Self Confidence, improve your leadership skills and helps you reach your goals .

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It's free and helps you decide if this is for you!


Since I was a child, I've been passionate about horses. I had many experiences that showed me the amazing power they could have to help people overcome emotional challenges.


When I grew up, I witnessed the transformative way an equichoach and a horse were able to help a suffering teenager whose crippling social anxiety disorder prevented her from even going to school. Little by little, thanks to a combination of equicoaching and psychological care, her healing process enabled her to return to school. Today, she recognises that without those interventions, she couldn't have made it. That personal experience changed my life. From that point on, I knew I could help, not just children, but people of all ages to transmute their challenges into wisdom and healing, through deep connections with horses.


So I began my studies and qualified in Equine Facilitation in Saumur, France, the equine capital of the world.


This method has spread through many European countries and now, I wish to develop it in Portugal.

  • Develop a personal toolbox of skills and strategies to deal with life´s challenges.

  • Improve your communication with family members or professional teams.

  • Overcome your fears to speak in public and oral examinations.

  • Develop your emotional and relational intelligence.

  • Learn how to postion yourself in front of others.

  • Control your emotions facing challenges

  • Exert your authority to gain collaboration.


Your experience with Emotional Horse Power will be with friendly well trained horses in a safe environment on the grounds of an established riding facility. You will be in a confined area totally controlled by your coach.


Horses are Natural healers.

In the wild they are preys and have to scan their environments to keep safe.

They have highly developed sensory channels so they can feel everything, especially our emotions which have a vibration frequency.

Horses perceive our strengths and weaknesses immediately.

During the sessions the facilitator will decode the horse's behaviour that will help you realise what's happening within you. They have the natural ability to teach us differently.


For example: what is your body language saying? How are people perceiving it? How can you work on it, be more confident in your daily life and deal with your emotions better?

The power of the experience will be anchored in your body and in your long term memory.

What people have said about the sessions: "It has been magical, very powerful, I can't describe it with words but I will never forgot it."

Book a call!

Contact Us


Emotional Horse Power

Tel: +351 - 961 539 933

Lisbon, Portugal

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